Monday, May 11, 2009

I have the bestest mom in the whole wide world

I woke up Sunday morning thinking it would be just like any other day. All of a sudden Craig comes out of his room with roses, 2 gift bags and said Happy Mother's Day. I asked where did you get these. He didn't say anything just smiled. I said where did you get the money for these. He smiled again. After a while he told he that my mom had sent money to my good friend Sabrina, so she could take the boys shopping for Mother's Day. There were two cards in the bags that had special messages from the boys in it. It wasn't about the gifts, it was the thoughts they wrote to me and even though life is tough, and I might yell alot, they love me bunches. Thanks Mom for helping the boys make my Mother's Day special..

1 comment:

me said...

Yeah for awesome boys and their awesome Mom!