Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Feeling guilty!

Cameron woke up yesterday with a croupy cough. Now with it being a holiday I knew once he was up and running around he would feel better. He did. He was great all day. He woke up this morning with the cough and a really bad sore throat. All I could think of is I can't call in to work. At Verizon they stress attendance, attendance, attendance. Up to now I have had perfect attendance. With Ernie not working I was able to still work and know they were being taken care of. He started his new job on Monday and is not able to take time off. I knew I had to call in. I sucked down my pride and call in. I felt so guilty. I needed to be at work, but more importantly I needed to be at home. Why do I fell this way. I took him to the Dr and they said he has Strep. Thank goodness I didn't act on my guilt and send him to school.


Dacia said...

You're such a good mom!

me said...

Like I said, always listen to your instincts. Your a GREAT mom!

Kristin said...

I know that feeling, but when it comes down to it, your kids are more important than work.