Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What now!

Chris came home from school today with a very long face. I asked him what was wrong and all he said was his day was good except for 7th period (PE). He wouldn't tell me why. I kept asking and asking and asking, finally he told me. He got in trouble with a couple of other kids because they weren't paying attention and walked through newly poured cement. Chris and only one other boy confessed while the rest stayed silent. All I could think about was how much is this going to cost me. He told me all he has to do is write an apology letter to the work crew. Thank goodness. I told him thank you for telling the truth at school. I know it was hard. I guess I might be raising him a little right.


Dacia said...

That's a great sign that you're a great mom! Good for him for being honest.

Diamomd said...

Good for you Chris!